Monday, October 4, 2010

Starting Out-Flashback 1

OK, guys. I've been meaning to create a blog for this stuff almost since i started working on effects again. I've been doing stuff now for about 3 weeks so what i'm going to do is backtrack to the stuff i've already done so i will be current with a complete history.

So to start-

About june i wanted to start making my own effects. I found a kit on ebay for a boost. Bought that. Got a soldering gun (weller, i researched) and some solder. I got the kit and started. I was surprised how easy it was to solder the pieces in. I got confident and starting putting pieces in. When looking at the schematic i was trying to figure out how to put the transistor in, and then i realized i hadn't put all pieces in the right way. Right spot, wrong direction. Duh. Well i put it down with intention to fix it but i never did. I still have the pieces and enclosure.

about 4 months later i thought my PM7 looked boring so i painted it. I didn't try too hard to get a perfect look. I prefer character. I used testor's hunter green and some yellow wood paint we had. It turned looking cool. I rubbed the yellow in for a faded almost wood look. I then roughed up some of the corners to the metal for a textured look. I bought rustoleum varnish and covered it. (too thick) I bought a paint maker and redid the control labels. It looks cooler now i think and it was good experience on painting. In hindsight i should have primed it and rough up the metal, but i wasn't too worried about it, i was just having fun. Also the paint marker is REALLY hard to use, so some of the controls came out looking odd.

Here's some photos of my PM7.

HI Guys.

1st post. I've re-started my interest to work on pedals-mod, create, paint. I figured a blog would help me stay organized and help re-enforce what i'm learning.

About me:

I'm a guitar now, played bass for a long time first. Always been into pedals. My first two were an arion bass chorus and tubulator. I used pedals with bass and now that i'm playing guitar i used them constantly to flavor my music.

There's my board/rig when i started all this.

So i will use this blog to keep track of projects, my errors, discoveries, and to help me learn.